Euronext Amsterdam

This review provides detailed eligible market due diligence for Euronext Amsterdam.

Euronext Amsterdam is located in Netherlands and is regulated by the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).

This review will allow users to establish if a market is UCITS eligible and whether Euronext Amsterdam is regulated, operates regularly, and is open to the public.

Exchange Reviews

Included within the due diligence review is information on:

General Country Information

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    Is the Euro freely convertible?
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    Is the Netherlands an OECD or FATF member country?
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    What is the corruption score for the Netherlands?
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    Ease of repatriation of capital.

Market Regulations

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    Is De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) and The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) a statutory body?
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    What complaints mechanisms are in place?
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    Market Surveillance.

Listing Rules

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    What are the capital requirements for companies listed on Euronext Amsterdam?
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    Do companies listed on AEX have to publish a prospectus and audited annual financial statements?
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    Does Euronext Amsterdam have the power to delist securities?

Broker and Member Rules

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    How are brokers supervised on Euronext Amsterdam?
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    Does AEX have a guarantee fund?
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    What sanctions can be imposed on brokers?
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    What are the capital requirements for brokers on AEX?

Market Transparency & Trading

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    What are the trading hours for Euronext Amsterdam?
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    What instruments are listed on AEX?
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    Is there daily market information available?

Clearing and Settlement

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    What is the settlement cycle on Euronext Amsterdam? (e.g T+2, T+3, T+4)
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    What is the settlement method on AEX? (DVP, FOP)
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    Is there a Central Counterparty?
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    Are securities dematerialized?
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    RTGS v Netting?
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    How are securities registered?


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    No. of Listed Securities
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    Market Capitalisation
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    Market Concentration
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    Market Trading
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    Share Turnover Velocity
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    Trades Per Day

Key Risks

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    What are the key risks of the market?

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Key Features

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    180+ stock market reviews on a single platform
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    Comprehensive coverage including emerging markets in Europe, South America, Africa and Asia
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    Full consideration of all UCITS eligibility requirements
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    Key risks summaries updated weekly
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    Continuous dialogue with regulators and exchanges
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    Sophisticated platform – daily email alerts, compare and download pdfs and excels.
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    Daily news updates
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    Review source material available to download ensuring full transparency


  • line
    Reduce due diligence costs
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    Satisfy your UCITS requirements
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    Save time analysing stock market eligibility
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    Utilise the expertise of our regulatory research team to handle any additional eligible market queries
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    Instant access to portal
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    Bespoke packages available

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